basic rant on why I do the things I do...
Published on September 26, 2005 By kateriley In Welcome
I do wrong things from time to time. I'm not sure by whose standards they are incorrect, but I don't think that the Catholic church has a very favorable opinion of me... well, if it were to have any opinion at all. Essentially I have done some illegal, immoral things in my lifetime.... and they are soo bad that I don't want to actually engage in conversations about them with people I know. Somethings I can't tell, as I am sworn to secrecy... but it's driving me mad. Here are some basic truths.... 1) I'm perpetually in love with my best guy friend - not really bad, but I think it's definately holding me back from better realtionships.... 2) ****#2 has been deleted as I have been sworn to secrecy and although I posted it 6 hours ago, I can't deal with it being here anymore**** - so bad... it actually bothers me to even write it on here. 3) I am just me... I sleep with guys so that I feel better about myself... which makes me feel worse... so, I want to sleep with more guys. (actually, besides #2 there hasn't been anyone in over 2 years... but I would if I had the chance) 4) I'm totally messing up grad school - I'm actually in class right now... 5) I fear that I'm permanately scarring my chlid for life... not sure what I'm doing exactaly, but I just think i could be doing better.... 6) well... there is that whole binge drinking problem... my past drug abuse issures.... my unhealthy attraction to illegal aliens.... the fact that given every opportunity I will be the laziest person on the planet... I'm a gossip.... I am a glutton (that sounds so ugly)... I can go on and on...
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